Where Boys & Girls Learn To Live The Abundant Life Since 1948

We see kids struggle with acceptance, self-image, and morality. Our camp provides evangelism, relationships, and retreat to help kids break through these challenges.

Statement Of Belief

We believe: That God, the Creator of all things, is sovereign, almighty, and eternal; That Jesus Christ the virgin born Son of God, lived, suffered, and died for our sins, ascended to heaven, and will return to earth again to rapture His saints; That the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the trinity, is active in Salvation, convincing and convicting men and women of sin and of their need for Jesus Christ, and giving power to live the victorious life;

That the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God, the guide for Christian conduct; That the Gospel of Jesus Christ is to be taught to all men and women and that a camp setting is well suited for this purpose.


Our vision is to prepare young people to serve Christ in their communities and to become self-supporting, upstanding, and contributing citizens. We envision families as the focal point within the community. We see the family as the stabilizing and supportive force which enhances the efforts of our Christian environment.


Our mission is to provide and facilitate teaching, training, and leadership development venues in the camp environment in order to advance the Christian Faith in our local and extended communities.


Cade Chapel
Living Word
Mr. and Mrs.Bob  Ashman
Pinelake Church Group
Allen Family
Helen Jackson
Jeremiah Sanders
Tony  Granger
Hannah Sellers
Brianna Jefferson
Laperia Shoto
Kenneth Martin
John and Barbara Sanders
Jackie Williams
Kim Thompson
Morgan Thompson
Meagan BIlbro
Frances Morris
The Exchange Church-Pearl
Ricky Proctor – Pleasant Grove
Ryan Proctor
Jerron Allen
Brian Jefferson
Pearlie Grove Men’s Group
1st Presbyterian Sunday School
Austin Puckett
Rankin County Department of Corrections work Crew
Jon David Smith
Paula Granger
Chanda Roby
Peggie McKee
Diondria Bingham
Aaron Bingham
Ron Duffy
Marilyn Luckett
Kevin BIngham
Darryl Carter